Thursday, September 4, 2008


Lifestyle maintenance is a continuous challenge for Americans today.
Just when you get use to something, it changes!
Managing or balancing these changes is the only constant for most of us.

For some, it’s balancing the time crunch of a 9 to 5 existence, family time, self time,

education and social responsibilities.
Let’s see...For others, there is diet and exercise…

Diet and Exercise...Diet and...

Oh, well you get the point.

However you choose to bring balance to your lifestyle,

one thing is clear — you are what you eat, drink, sleep, think and breathe.

And while exercise is an essential component for building a healthy, balanced lifestyle;
in the hustle and bustle of our fast paced, super charged, cyber space, espresso buzzed lives; how can we prevent ourselves from getting caught up in the never ending cycle of the diet and exercise guessing game?
One minute, carbs are good, then bad; drink red wine, don’t; coffee, no coffee;

chocolate or not; to supplement or not; to run, walk, jump, shake or slide or not…

Eeeks, no wonder we are sicker, fatter, more stressed out and sedentary than ever!
So, how do we know what’s good for us…? Who do we listen to?

How do we listen - to the do & don’ts for exercise, weight management and

the power of next perfect pill?
While we all would like to think we can recognize good information from bad, we are bombarded with FACTIONS, (the hybrid of fact and fiction or partial truths); hence, the inspiration for my column on Body IQ. What is BODY IQ? How do you get it?

And, if you think you once had it, where did it go?
Body IQ is the process of learning how to listen to your internal body wisdom.

It is about personal self care, nature vs. nurture and honoring your individual nature.

It is an on going process that grows with you as you age; or not; it is your internal intuitive connection to what is appropriate for your individual needs.

I have spent the last two last decades teaching people how to take
care of their bodies and helping develop Body IQ. Clients who
come to me for exercise and bodywork ultimately end up talking about
and asking advice about nutrition and/or a medical problem such as
digestive problems, neurological issues, allergies, chronic headaches,
inability to sleep or relax. You name it and I have helped people
explore it. Building Better Body IQ is a natural outgrowth of my years
in education, practice and study in the fields of Exercise Physiology
and Human Movement Potential.

This column is about debunking the myths and fads which

create a divide between you and your natural body wisdom;

so that you no longer need to be dependent on a trend or a fad.

It is for all the weekend warriors, baby boomers who can’t keep up with the

age related mind & body changes, yo-yo diet food junkies

and all the in betweens who haven't quiet figured out

how to balance the energy equation of

feast vs. famine… Sloth vs. Richard Simons.

So stay tuned as I roll up my sleeves and interview the experts,
wade through all the FACTIONS (half truths) and help you
develop your Body IQ®.


The Itty-Bitty Diet & Exercise Game
Exercise & LSD
Balancing the Mind, Body & Spirit Challenge
Counting Your Blessings, One Bone at a Time.
Moving Through Life… One Beat at a Time
The New Aphrodisiac… Sexy, Smelly Sweat…
The Tired, The Needy, The Women of PMS
Food Profiling… Fact or Affliction

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